Our Story

EquiTable first entered the world when it won Cultivated Wit's Comedy Hack Day 10 in San Francisco. After several weeks of app development and video production, we are now officially launched! Can we really solve the wage gap? Download it now and help us find out!


Who's at the Table?

Meet the Team

Luna Malbroux
Chief Equality Officer

Today your meal, tomorrow
the world!

Favorite food to split fairly
Vegan Burgers with a Side of Bacon

Brian Carter
VP, Design

So many pie charts. I want to stop designing pie charts.

Favorite food to split fairly
Mashed Potatoes


Franklin Ho
VP, Stuff

No one really knows what
I do here.

Favorite food to split fairly
Sea Cucumbers

Graham Starr
VP, Diversity & Inclusion

I have centuries of experience in deciding whose voice to include.

Favorite food to split fairly
"Something Exotic"

Star Zagofsky
VP, Monetization

Who says we can't solve the wage gap and turn a profit? #WhyNotBoth

Favorite food to split fairly
Vegan Fois Gras

Kasima Tharnpipitchai
Privilege Advisor

I'm a thought leader in Emotional Millenialism.

Favorite food to split fairly
Corn Starch

George Chen
VP, Content

Proponent of Affirmative Fractions. Also, I'm not Franklin.

Favorite food to split fairly
Ethiopian and Korean fusion cuisine aka Korethiopian aka Eritrasian

Rohan Dhaimade
VP, Engineering

Like other US Asian males, I earn more than my white male counterparts!

Favorite food to split fairly
Bruchetta with Gorgonzola